Armor Reset

Armor Reset
List: Warrior Basic Career
Cost: 2 / 6
Prereqs: Armor Skill
Skill Type: Martial
Tagged: Yes
Purchase: Multi
Duration: Special

Normally, a character must spend 5 minutes adjusting and resetting their armor after it is damaged to reset their Armor Points. With this Tagged skill, the character can do this in 10 seconds. The character must be able to use skills, not be engaged in combat, be able to see, and have free, unfettered hands and legs. The player should role play quickly adjusting their armor in-game for 10 seconds so it is obvious to anyone watching what they are doing. While resetting their points, the player should say, “Resetting Armor 1, Resetting Armor 2, etc.” to a count of 10. This is an out-of-game count and does not require the character to be able to speak. If the character is interrupted, the skill is not used.

After using this skill, the armor will still degrade normally based on crafting, enchanting, and skill bonuses as if they had spent the whole 5 minutes resetting their armor.

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